If this is really the passion of certain people, they are more than welcome to do all this with people who already exist, or with creatures of other species who already exist and will be very happy for a warm and loving home. This can be expressed in adoption, foster care, or permanent volunteering in a variety of frameworks. You don’t have to create someone new to give love.
In fact, since no one needs warmth, love, tools and guidance before they exist, there is something ironic and very selfish in creating people in order to satisfy this need to give someone love, raise someone, and give someone tools and guidance, because the decision to create new people also creates the need of those people for warmth, love, tools and guidance. A need they had no need for before they were created.
No one needs to be given warmth, love, tools and guidance before they exist, therefore creating someone new in order to give them love, raise them, and give them tools and guidance does not help anyone. In fact, on the contrary, it detracts from the possibility of giving warmth, love, tools and guidance to someone who does need them because they already exist. You can always find someone to help, someone to love, someone to guide, someone to give tools to. Why create someone who will need all these and then give them to her? It is so illogical to create a need in order to fulfill it. Especially since there are so many others that already exist and their needs are not being met.
Obviously this indicates that this is not really the reason. It is not by chance that so few people apply for adoption. And it is no coincidence that the overwhelming majority of those who are already considering adoption prefer a baby and not an older child. People want a biological child because they want an extension of themselves. They want a biological child for narcissistic reasons not because they want to provide love and warmth and guidance to someone else. This can also be done with a non-biological or non-human child. It’s just an excuse that sounds better. It is unlikely that all those using this excuse devote their time to those who already exist and need their needs fulfilled.
Unfortunately, there is no shortage of problems to solve, no shortage of goals to dedicate our lives to, and no shortage of people in need. There is no reason or logic in creating more of those who will require attention, and especially not when it will be at the expense of attention that can be given to those who already exist and need it.
If helping others was really the reason people reproduce then they would invest their time and energy in fulfilling the needs of those who already exist and need help, not in fulfilling the needs of those whose needs were created with their creation and did not exist beforehand.