Reproduction is a personal choice, you have no right to interfere in my decision

(from common pro-natalist excuses).

There is something very ironic about the claim that we have no right to interfere in your decision to make the most dramatic possible intervention in someone else’s life and that is to decide that someone else will exist, as well as everything related to the circumstances of their formation. Especially when all we’re doing is trying to convince you not to do something, and through rational claims, while you just do that something, and without backing it up with any claims or justifications.

It is not anyone’s personal decision to endanger others or force things on others. And when that happens it is our duty to intervene. This is what would be expected of us in any other situation of coercion or putting someone in a place of harm.

Personal choice is not ex-territorial to morality. On the contrary, it is very influential morally. Just as it is not anyone’s personal choice to fund the abuse and murder of an animal in order to eat it, it is not anyone’s personal choice to force life on someone else and put them at risk of a multitude of injuries.

A famous saying is that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. If you are so sensitive to interference in personal decisions why do you force the most crucial decisions in peoples’ lives such as the very fact of their existence, as well as their genetic predispositions, their physical characteristics, their mental characteristics, their gender, their sexual orientation, their ethnic origin, their immediate environment, their wider environment, their society, their culture, their parents, etc., on someone else?

Another famous saying is that your liberty to swing your fist ends just where my nose begins. People certainly have a right to their own body, but when creating a new person they use their right to their own body in order to make decisions for someone else. People have no right to use their bodies in order to harm others, to impose on others the pain, difficulties, challenges, lack of basic purposeunfairness, and death that inevitably accompany every life.