You claim that creating a person is coercion, but how can you force something on someone who doesn’t exist?

(from common pro-natalist excuses).

This claim is not entirely clear, since the creation of a person is an action that results in someone existing and the fact of this person’s existence is imposed on this someone. It is not that someone was forced to exist in the sense that before they did not exist and now they do, but that their existence was forced upon them in the sense that they simply did not choose it. No one chose to be created. If anything, you may argue whether forcing someone to exist is a good or bad thing, but it is hard to argue that it is something that is done under compulsion. There was no one who wanted to exist before they began to exists, therefore the fact of everyone’s existence is at least involuntary, even if not against their will since no one had any will before it was decided for them to exist.
Creating a person is coercion since the person cannot choose not to exist after already existing. Existence is a one-way process and one that was not decided by the person who was created. Once someone exists, they can only cease to exist, but never retroactively cancel their existence. Therefore the fact of someone’s existence is necessarily imposed on a person.

Having said that, it is not the coercion of existence itself that is the important aspect of the issue of coercion in reproduction, but the coercion of the conditions of existence. Not only their very existence is imposed on everyone who is created, but also each and every one of the conditions of their creation, including their genetic load, their parents, their immediate environment, their formative initial experiences, the uterine environment, the first stimuli during pregnancy, and also those experienced years later, the era in which they were born, the society into which they were born, their culture, their origin, their gender, sexual orientation, physical characteristics, mental characteristics, and many other factors, none of which are subject to the choice of any created person. All these are the crucial factors that shape the life and personality of the created person and all are imposed on everyone who is created.

Reproduction is coercion since the moment we produce someone we inevitably place them in a certain place and under certain conditions that have a decisive effect on the design of the person created, without that person choosing them or agreeing to them.
No one chose any of the characteristics of their existence, and all of them have a decisive role in shaping a person’s existence, in fact they are a person’s existence. No one chose their genetic makeup, their environment, their family, etc., and all of them are forced to live with them and with their influence. Therefore, in many ways whoever was created is forced to be the person they are. Not only did we not choose our first name or whether to “come into the world”, we didn’t choose anything about ourselves either. And when we supposedly can, it will be too late because most things have already been decided. When people are mature enough to criticize the conditions of their formation, it is already too late. The influence of these is already too embedded in them so that even a critical look at them is filtered through these very same conditions. And it is also very difficult, if not impossible, to undo their influence retroactively. Therefore, all that is left to do for those who are not satisfied with the “package” they received, is to struggle to change things that are so fundamental and basic in their personality and character, things that were shaped by such powerful factors that it is not clear whether it is even possible to retroactively change them later in life, and therefore probably be frustrated twice, once by the “package” itself and a second time by the failure to change it.

Not only is the very existence of existence imposed on everyone who exists, but also many elements in the existence of each and every person. Most of the crucial things about people have been imposed on them. They cannot agree to them in advance and it is doubtful that they could ever change them if they want to. And a life that begins with coercion and that involves so many imposed factors and zero consent, should not begin.