But no one asked for the good, so why force the bad on others?
And under what justification do people put others at risk of a horrible life? How is it justified to force negative experiences on someone in exchange for positive experiences that no one asked for? It’s making someone experience bad things for good things that s/he didn’t want or hope for or had any interest in experiencing before being created, and if s/he hadn’t experienced them s/he wouldn’t have experienced any deprivation of any of them whatsoever because s/he never existed, and those who don’t exist can’t experience anything, including the experience of being deprived of experiences.
It is possible that your child will have a life full of good things. But it is not bad if s/he had not been created because s/he would not have lacked these good things, and s/he did not want to experience these good things before being created. Therefore s/he will not be harmed in any way by the fact that s/he was not created. On the other hand, if your child suffers in life, s/he will be significantly harmed by it.
If you didn’t create your children they wouldn’t enjoy life (hopefully their lives are pretty good overall), but they wouldn’t lack anything either. They wouldn’t be harmed by not enjoying what they enjoy in their lives so far, because they just wouldn’t exist. But the other side of it is that because of your decision to create them, your children will suffer whatever they will suffer for the rest of their lives. They will suffer because you decided to make them. All that they would suffer from would have been spared from them if you had not created them. And none of the good things they experience would be withheld from them because the one who does not exist is not deprived of anything. There is no experience of deprivation for those who never existed.
The parents basically decide that their children will suffer whatever life throws at them without the children asking, wanting or agreeing to it before they were created.
All people without exception will be born without consent, will not choose anything regarding the basic and primary circumstances of their lives, all will experience suffering to one degree or another at one stage or another of their lives, all will experience disappointments, frustrations, loss, helplessness, fear, pain, and death. And that’s at a minimum. Usually it’s much worse.
And by the way, usually people point out good things in life especially when they are challenged about reproduction or life itself, but actually, most of people’s attention in everyday life is directed to dealing with chores, worries, problems, dangers, annoyances, and pains, not with happiness and spreading joy. And by that they confirm in practice, in the real world, not in the rationalization they do during a theoretical debate, that life is pretty bad. Otherwise, why should so much attention and resources be devoted to dealing with problems and preventing negative things?