Common Pro-Natalists Excuses

If life is so bad why don’t you just kill yourselves?

My life is good, why would my children’s lives be different?

People decide for themselves if their lives are worthy

But we have a life impulse

Don’t you have better things to do?

You just hate children

Reproduction is normal

I want to pass on my genes

I want to give love and raise someone

Reproduction is a personal choice, you have no right to interfere

What good will it do if I don’t reproduce when other people will?

I have the means and ability to raise children to be happy so why not

This is a dangerous philosophy

Reproduction is good for the economy

Life is full of risks

Life is a gift

Pain is not bad

Other animals reproduce as well

Everything is dangerous so shouldn’t we live?

The problem with the world is not reproduction

If we don’t reproduce the human species will go extinct

What can you do, there’s no good without bad

What about the child’s right to be born?

Life is a one time opportunity

Your ideas will lead to eugenics

But we’re a baby-loving society

Maybe my child will change the world

What meaning does life have without raising children?

Maybe my child will find a cure for cancer

Who are you to tell other people what to do?

Problems need to be solved, not avoided

People who don’t want children are cowards

My religion says it’s OK to procreate

There is a population explosion so one child is enough

One case of a worthy life is enough to refute antinatalism

With all the difficulties if I could never exist I would not choose that

The interest of the parents to reproduce should be balanced with the risks for children

It is better to live, even if it means experiencing negative things, than not to live at all

Reproduction is morally justified because for most people the pleasures are worth the suffering

How can you force something on someone who doesn’t exist?

If your parents had decided not to create you, you wouldn't exist

You’re just negative and depressed people who see nothing good in life

If it's wrong to start a life, why don't you call on people to end it?

Life isn't all bad, there are many good things and you have to take the good with the bad

If non-existence is not a state someone can be in, why do you say that it is bad to be created?

Not reproducing is selfish

Reproduction is natural

Who will take care of me when I'm old

People go through hard things but many come out of it

Anti-Natalism is another part of the patriarchy

If life is so bad why don't more people kill themselves?

People create children out of love, not for them to be harmed

But life is constantly improving, it will be better in the future

Is there a shortage of problems in the world that you’re dealing with this issue?

I had a difficult childhood and I want a correction

Sometimes there is no choice but to decide for others

Most people’s lives are fine, you need to relax

How can you get consent from someone who doesn’t exist?