Everything is dangerous so shouldn’t we live?

(from common pro-natalist excuses).

Sure you can live, just avoid creating new life. Those who are already alive certainly have the right to choose for themselves, which risks to take upon themselves and themselves alone, the problem starts with taking risks for others. You want to jump off a bridge with a rope tied to your leg, you may do it. This is your right. But when it comes to others, it is your duty not to throw them off a bridge.

Someone who is already alive can feel quite free to take risks (but not completely free because s/he may still endanger or worry others) and it is even possible that limiting ourselves will harm our own well-being. Besides, those who exist have no choice but to take risks because it is not possible to exist without taking any risks. On the other hand, the well-being of someone who has not yet been created will not be harmed by the fact that s/he is limited due to potential risks in life, because those who do not exist have no well-being at all. Those who do not exist are not in a similar situation to those who do exist in terms of the choices they have. There is a choice not to expose to risks those who do not yet exist, and that is the parents’ choice if to create them or not. The risks of life are necessary only for those who already exist, but there is no necessity to impose risks on those who do not yet exist. Why choose to put someone in a situation where they are very exposed to many risks when none of them are necessary in any way?
The fact that everything is dangerous for the living is not a reason for living people to create more people for whom everything will also be dangerous, but on the contrary, it is a very good reason not to expose new people to life precisely because it is dangerous.