If your parents had decided not to create you, you wouldn’t exist

(from common pro-natalist excuses).

Obviously, but how is that relevant to the question of whether creating someone is moral? Like the creation of others, our creation is also morally wrong. Our choice to act against the creation of more people has nothing to do with our own creation.

If our parents had not produced us then we would not have existed. And it would not be a pity for us because in order for something to be a pity for someone there must be someone for whom some situation is desirable, and there is no person before someone was created. If we didn’t exist we wouldn’t lose anything because in order to lose something there has to be someone who wants something and doesn’t get it. If our parents had not produced us, we would never have existed, and we would never have known that we did not exist, and therefore we would not be deprived of anything. If our parents hadn’t made us we wouldn’t be stuck in our floating glass containers begging to come into existence, because there is no such thing, and we just weren’t, in any way or sense.
The fact that if our parents hadn’t made the decision to create us we never would have existed, cannot be unfortunate for us because then there wouldn’t be someone for this fact to be unfortunate for.
It can be a shame that we didn’t exist only if there was a moment when we did exist and we wanted to continue existing but it didn’t happen. Otherwise it makes no sense. How can something be bad for someone who never existed? How can something be a pity for someone if s/he has never been that someone? Nothing can be a pity for someone who never existed.

In any case, none of this means that we necessarily regret our existence. We can be happy that we exist (because our existence is fulfilling or important in our eyes) without thinking that it would be unfortunate if we did not exist (because if we never existed we would never be able to regret that we do not exist).