True, and everyone who already exists, because someone has already decided for that someone that s/he will exist, has no choice but to live under the multitude of risks that life invites. But why endanger others? Those who already exist do not have many choices but to walk in the street, work, study, travel, fly, leave the house, live with the people inside the house, and so on, but this is not the case for those who do not exist. Since no one needs to exist, wants to exist, or agrees in advance to the risks imposed by their parents’ decision to create them, and precisely because life is full of risks and there is not much that can be done about it, creating a person is morally wrong.
Existing people have no choice but to take risks, but they have a choice whether to impose risks on non-existing people. For people to take risks upon themselves is necessary, the problem with creating people is that it is not a necessary choice to impose risks on others. And all the more so without the people who will be created expressing any interest, need, desire or consent to this in advance.
There is something to be done about risks and that is not to take them at the expense of others.
Only because people have gotten so used to it and because it seems so obvious to them that life is full of dangers, they don’t stop to think how many terrible things can happen to their children. And if your response is ‘what can you do, it’s part of life’ you strengthen the argument you’re trying to oppose.
Of course, life is not only a series of dangers, there are also pleasures in life. But no matter what your list is: sitting under a blanket in the winter and watching the series you love with people you love, traveling, surfing, eating vegan ice cream, or listening to music, nothing is worth wars, serious accidents, serious illnesses, rape, depression, abuse, loneliness, bullying etc.
Consider that every news story about some atrocity that happened somewhere, happened to someone that someone decided to create. Good things also happen, but not proportionately, and they are not worth it. And even if you think that they are, no one is harmed by good things that no one experienced if it was decided not to create anyone, but everyone who is harmed by bad things is harmed because it was decided that they would exist. None of the good things that won’t happen if no one is created will be missed by anyone if no one is created, but the bad things will happen to at least some of the people who are created, and they will hurt them very badly.