All this argument says is that it has been happening for a long time, not that it is morally justified. It’s a description of the current situation and pointing out that it has been going on for a long time, not an explanation or justification of it. People have been doing all kinds of things for a long time, for example wars, plunder, enslavement, murder and rape, does that make any of that justified? Can a long history constitute moral justification?
Many things were considered and are still considered normal in certain societies. Many manifestations of discrimination against women have existed more or less since the dawn of human history and were considered and are still considered completely normal in many societies. One of them is the so-called female circumcision, a particularly cruel and oppressive violent practice that is still considered completely normal in certain societies to this day. Will we accept such a violent and offensive action towards girls because they were born into societies where female circumcision is normal?
Defining values based on what is considered normal is very dangerous and there are historical and contemporary examples of this.
Not so long ago it was considered perfectly normal to burn women alive on the pretext of witchcraft, and on the other hand it is still considered abnormal (and even illegal) in large parts of the world today for adults who are fully capable of making decisions for themselves to have intimate relationships with people of the same gender as their own. While banning intimate relations between men or between women is considered abnormal today in certain parts of the world, allowing it is considered abnormal in others. Meaning, normal is a very fluid and very temporary concept that we shouldn’t base our moral views on.
What is considered normal in a certain era is usually a reflection of the power relations at the time, not of the desirable power relations at all times. And in any case, social power relations should not be the basis of ethical positions.
In every creation of life there is necessarily a risk that it will be unworthy, it is necessarily determined without the consent of the one who will live it, it was necessarily not created for the sake of the one who will live it since they weren’t asked and didn’t want or need it before they existed, and it will necessarily cause harm to the lives of others and make at least some of the lives of others unworthy. These and other reasons are sufficient to determine that although reproduction is normal, it is definitely not moral.