A philosophy based on calling people not to put others in dangerous situations is the exact opposite of dangerous. Pro-natalism is a dangerous philosophy, since it supports the creation of vulnerable people in a very dangerous world. How is avoiding something like this dangerous? How is avoiding the situation where someone will be in dangerous states dangerous?
There is nothing dangerous in not being created. The uncreated cannot be harmed by anything in any way. It is life that is full of risks and therefore it is creating people that is dangerous.
Pain is dangerous, accidents are dangerous, disappointments are dangerous, frustrations are dangerous, heartbreak is dangerous, bullying is dangerous, exploitation is dangerous, diseases are dangerous, relationships are dangerous, loss is dangerous, addictions are dangerous, mental disorders are dangerous, dependence is dangerous, loving is dangerous, hating is dangerous, terrorism is dangerous, wars are dangerous, needs are dangerous, passions are dangerous, parenting is dangerous, being mortal is dangerous. Avoiding all of this is the opposite of dangerous.