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There is a lot of suffering in the world. There is no reason to create more people who will need more resources, time and attention. We are in favor of dealing with the problems that already exist, with those who need us because they already exist instead of creating new people who will need us and therefore we will not be able to address all those who already need us now because they already exist. It doesn’t make sense to create more needs when there are already so many. And doing it just because we want to is selfish.
We urge people to make decisions on a moral basis and not on a selfish basis. And that means giving priority to those who already need us over those who don’t exist and therefore don’t need anything.
It has long been time to acknowledge the harsh reality that problems are not going to be solved soon and that new ones are likely to appear. From the dawn of history until now, tens of thousands of initiatives, legislations, organizations and institutions have arisen to change and correct a multitude of injustices all over the world. Very few, if any, of the problems that these initiatives were set up to address, have been resolved.
Of course, what we are saying is not that we should give up confronting them, but exactly the opposite. We need to devote all our available resources to solving them, instead of reproducing, which is actually a decision to invest almost all our resources in something that did not require anything before our decision, and most likely contributed to the perpetuation of many problems in the world. The time has come to recognize that reproduction is part of the problem and in two main ways: by directing resources to new problems created precisely because of reproduction instead of to existing problems, and by creating more people who will be vulnerable to the multitude of problems in the world and take part in increasing and perpetuating the multitude of problems in the world. Reproduction is to create more victims of a cruel and harmful world and more victimizers in a cruel and harmful world. The fact that reproduction is a natural act and such an accepted and popular decision doesn’t change this fact. As long as we don’t acknowledge the main sources of the world’s problems, we will certainly not be able to improve it.
We are asking people to rethink the issue of reproduction. Most people reproduce without giving it any thought. This is despite the fact that it is the most critical decision in the life of the person they create.
We don’t tell anyone what to do. We ask people to give up their desire to create new people and consider alternatives such as adopting children, adopting dogs or cats, living in community structures that are not necessarily familial, and etc. We are calling to normalize the choice not to reproduce and for moral reasons – normalizing the position that opposes the creation of new people.